Hope Network Employee Passion Profiles
Who We Are
The team at Hope Network is more than emails and meetings and casual greetings in the hallway. We’re people. Humans. We each have passions and stories...that’s who Hope Network really is. We’re the sum total of these stories (the good ones, the hard ones, and everything in between). It’s these passions and stories that drive our mission.
The Sweet Life: Jodi Redmond
Jodi Redmond is a Vocational Program Coordinator for Hope Network. But when she’s not in the office, she’s in the kitchen, working on one of her many sweet creations. Watch Jodi work her magic and hear her story.
Right On Target: David Held
Hope Network’s eCare Project Lead, David Held, started competitive shooting when he was five—and hasn’t stopped since. Now he’s a coach, advocate, and competitive mentor. “There’s nothing greater than the look one someone’s face when they break a target for the very first time,” he says. Watch his story and learn more.
Escape To The Spotlight: Kaylie LaClair
Kaylie loves the spotlight. She thinks about it. Dreams about it. And when she isn’t working as an Administrative Assistant with Hope Network Behavioral Health, that’s where you’ll find her. Watch and learn about Kaylie’s passion for theatre.
Engaged In Service: Don King
Most days, Don is a Program Director at Hope Network Behavioral Health. But on Sundays, Don’s the technical director at his home church, engaging in the service through every image, sound, and word from the microphone. Watch and learn about Don’s technical passion.