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Can’t” is a word we don’t say around here.

We see nothing besides human potential.

Every person deserves to be seen for who they are—not just the labels society gives them. Across Michigan, we support 9,000 people with cognitive and physical disabilities, not by defining them by their challenges, but by recognizing their strength, intelligence, and worth. Because at Hope Network, we know one thing for certain—we are all equally human.

When people need support, we provide it. Simple as that.

Sometimes, support looks like teaching a life skill. Sometimes it looks like community integration, or transportation, or a place to live. Whatever the need, we’re driven to meet it.

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A foundation of humanity. A future of Hope.

Hope Network was born from the belief that no human is more valuable than the next. Our work with individuals with developmental disabilities is where it all began, and more than 60 years later, that commitment has only deepened. Today, we go beyond care—we create connections, build skills, and open doors to fuller, more inclusive lives in the community.

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If you are having an emergency, please don’t wait.

Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room for a medical emergency. If you’re having a mental health emergency and need to talk to someone immediately, contact your local Community Mental Health (CMH) Crisis line.

A seal we proudly share.

Hope Network has continuously been awarded the highest level of accreditation possible through CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). When a service or program is CARF-accredited, it is absolute assurance that a provider meets rigorous CARF guidelines for service and quality.

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Have questions? Find answers. Click to read our FAQ.

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Need something? Anything? Just ask.

If you are seeking supports and services for someone with an intellectual/developmental disability, our team can assist you with navigation of available services and resources based on your needs.