Why choose Hope Network Center for Autism?
Autism Spectrum Disorders affect 1 in 36 children.
And when your child is that one, you embark on a quest to do whatever it takes to support them. At Hope Network’s Center for Autism, your child goes from being a number to becoming our utmost concern. And we’ll stop at nothing to help the healing begin.
The Center for Autism clinically utilizes outcome measures that have been validated in research.
We lead the conversation of outcome measurement in autism early interventions by using these in a more sophisticated manner than our competitors and giving parents and other stakeholders an unprecedented lens into the development of autistic children and their response to applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Our outcome measurement process gets underway the moment we begin to evaluate your child.
Based on how old your child is, along with their strengths and weaknesses, we will choose different tools for assessment and re-evaluate every 6 months. We not only use evidence-based, validated tools selected based on your child’s strengths and opportunities for improvement, but we use them systematically and track your child over time.
Starting with the first day of therapy, we also integrate cloud-based, real-time data collection using the Catalyst system by DataFinch.
This system allows us to track the child’s progress through each session and make changes quickly based on performance. Quickly, we can see the prompt levels the child is currently needing for different skills, which skills have become independent, and how skills are preforming that are in maintenance. Additionally, we are able to track any behavior and graph the data to easily identify trends quickly so we can make timely adjustments to behavior plans.
We have established a baseline in all of these areas.
Based on a large sample of approximately 75 children who received ABA from us in 2015, we have established an 80% window of ABA response, as measured by the VB-MAPP, so that we can now identify children who consistently respond poorly to therapy (in order to intensify alternative/complementary recommendations), as well as the top responders at our Center, who can be used as case studies to further improve therapy. We have established our therapy against large-scale clinical trials, using the same outcome measures, and demonstrating that approximately:
of children in our ABA program have an IQ gain of at least one standard deviation, one year into therapy with us
of children in our ABA program do two years into therapy with us