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Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

Helping individuals with severe mental illness navigate life.

Where some see a case, we see a person.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) provides intensive and highly integrated services—all based around a person’s unique and complex needs. The program serves individuals on an outpatient basis whose symptoms of mental illness result in serious functioning difficulties in several major areas of life, including work, social relationships, residential independence, money management, and physical health and wellness. The amount, scope, and expected duration of services are outlined in each individual’s treatment plan.

Assertive Community Treatment Header

We serve individuals with serious mental illness and those with serious mental illness who:

...have difficulty managing medication without on-going support or with psychotic/affective symptoms despite medication compliance

...exhibit socially disruptive behavior that puts them at high risk for arrest and inappropriate incarceration or those exiting corrections systems

...frequently use inpatient psychiatric hospital services, crisis services, crisis residential services, or homeless shelters

...have co-occurring substance disorders

We also serve older individuals with serious mental illness with complex medical/medication conditions and individuals with psychotic/affective symptoms despite medication compliance.

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Our person-centered services:

Case Management
Peer Support Services
Psychiatric and Medication Management
Individual and Group Therapy
Integrated Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Community Integration
Nursing Services
01Days + Hours of Operation
02Sites of Service
03Frequency of Services
04Accessing the Program

Office hours are Monday-Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. But team members work or are on-call 24/7.

Services are provided primarily in the residence of the individual being served, or other community locations where the person spends time.

Frequencies of services are based on acuity. Someone is typically seen 5 days per week when first admitted. The average person will receive services 3 days a week. Team members attend daily meetings to review the status of the individual, caseloads, update personnel on service provisions that occurred the previous day, and plan for future activities. From there, the daily schedule is organized and services are scheduled and provided.

Individuals are referred to ACT services through the local CMH access centers. An individual seeking services may also contact Hope Network and engage in services independently if they have an ability to privately pay for the services available. When an individual qualifies for ACT services, an assessment occurs at intake, and they will be assessed within 3 days of their referral.

Admission and Readmission Criteria

Current mental illness diagnosis as reflected in the current version of the DSM or ICD and at least one of the following manifestations:


Prominent disturbance of thought processes, perception, affect, memory, consciousness, and somatic functioning with or without co-occurring substance disorder


Disruption of self-care and independent functioning


Difficulty with managing medication without ongoing support


Risk to self or others


Socially disruptive behavior that puts them at high risk for arrest and inappropriate incarceration or those exiting a jail or prison


Frequent users of inpatient psychiatric hospital services, crisis services, crisis residential, or homeless shelters


Eighteen years of age or older or an emancipated minor

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For more information about the Assertive Community Treatment program, contact our team at 810.213.0015.

The referring agency, insurance provider, and Hope Network work together in making access, referral, transition, and/or discharge decisions. We work in expert partnership, because we believe that’s the best approach for the people we’re all dedicated to helping.

Behavioral Health Services – East Michigan Region
1110 Eldon Baker Drive
Flint, Michigan 48507
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