Our programs help individuals and families experience recovery and healthier lives by providing community access, inclusion, and volunteer opportunities.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Clubhouses are community-based centers that offer members opportunities for friendship, employment, housing, education, and access to medical and psychiatric services through a single caring and safe environment, so members can achieve a sense of belonging and become productive members of society.
Clubhouse Programs
Work-Ordered Day
Daily activities parallel the typical business hours of the working community.
- 8 hour work periods
- daily work Monday – Friday
- members & staff work side by side
Transitional Employment
Transitional Employment is a highly structured program for members returning to work in local business and industry. This program entails:
- placements at the employer’s place of business
- 6–9 month placements
- part-time work (15-20 hours per week)
- on & off-site support
Referrals and Admissions
Have a referral or need more assistance? Contact us today.