Volunteer Spotlight: Chuck Ely and the Arbor Glen Residents
Chuck Ely is well into his second decade of service as a Pastoral Services volunteer. The father of two children and a grandfather of one grandchild, he attends Calvary Non-Denominational Church on the East Beltline.
Chuck volunteers bi-weekly at Arbor Glen Home, where residents treat him like a rock star. Chuck himself is uncomfortable at any attention directed towards him, emphasizing instead that “I want this to be about them.” Chuck’s genuine love for the people we serve is evident in everything he does. He knows all the residents by name and makes it a point to connect with each of them personally on every visit. On the evening of Chuck’s 10th anniversary party, he handed out binders to each resident, prior to worship time. Chuck personally selected the hymns and created the binders to enhance the worship experience for the residents.
Chuck’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 1:9, “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Asked why he continues to volunteer even after 10 years he responds, “It’s fulfilling and enriches all of us bringing us closer to each other and to the Lord.” Chuck begins to strum his guitar and as our voices soared in worship to God, we looked around at all the radiant faces, employees and consumers united as one, and for a moment I got a sense of heaven.