Margaret Kroese, MSSW, FACHE, CBIS

Executive Vice President & Executive Director

As the Executive Vice President and Executive Director, Margaret leads all Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation programs and locations, where we employ over 600 clinical, direct support, and professional team members.

Margaret’s impact on the well-being of people with brain injuries and the medical benefits of people who have yet to be injured are more than some can hope to achieve in a lifetime. She has been an advocate for individuals with catastrophic injuries since she started working at Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation in 1994 as a direct support professional. Since then, she has worked on many public policy initiatives to expand care to those in need, testified on multiple insurance reform proposals over the years and has been an invited speaker at multiple town halls on the subject of auto insurance in Michigan.

Margaret has served in multiple roles for the Michigan Brain Injury Providers Council (MBIPC), the Executive Committee of the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN), as well as the Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI). She is also a published author in the Brain Injury Professional, the official publication of the North American Brain Injury Society (NABIS) and the International Brain Injury Associations (IBIA).

She earned her Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) in 2019 and holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Louisville in Kentucky, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.